I know how to get this list from UCSC, but the problem is the after clicking the "get output", the list to big to be copied.
What could be the mysql query for it.
I tried mysql -h genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A -u genome -D mm9 -e 'select * from rmsk' but got the error
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'mm9.rmsk' doesn't exist
Also, in the ucsc downloads page, I am unable to find the rmsk table as a whole genome file (per chromosome exists).
Thanks Pierre, that was the confusion, as when you pull the table from the ucsc website (from table browser), its somehow combines all the files and outputs them. So, finally I dumped all the tables individually using mysql and appended the output.
Thanks Pierre, that was the confusion, as when you pull the table from the ucsc website (from table browser), its somehow combines all the files and outputs them. So, finally I dumped all the tables individually using mysql and appended the output.