By using BWA and GATK, I have made a vcf file of my raw SNPs. Then I filtered that and kept just homozygous SNPs in my new vcf file with all the header information. Then I compressed and indexed my vcf file and trying to read the vcf.gz file on Artemis but it's not reading my new filtered vcf.gz file though still it can read my raw vcf.gz file.
any error or message reported?
No...when I read the bam or my raw vcf.gz it gives a clear section on the top of the Artemis window with reads/snps in graphics with coverage what we see in IGV but when I read my filtered one it doesn't show that.
Does IGV load the new VCF without complaint? Does the VCF validate?
VCF validated the file..I didn't try on IGV...!! but artemis should read it..the file looks ok on the screen though