On the page you have given, select all the experiments you want, and then click on Send to:->File->Summary.
A csv file will be downloaded for the experiments you selected with a link to the ftp.
Now, in your directory in cluster, make a folder and move the file in there. I assume the 14th column of that file is the ftp links, change as required in the following command.
sed 1d file|cut -f14 |wget -i -
This will download all the experiment archives.
Use -b in the wget to send it to background.
millions of thanks .
just one more thing, the information text file regarding this dataset is in the link :
if one search for for example NA19200 in this file there would be 4 results, 2 for each center(yale and argonne) , I have assumed that for this individual sample (NA19200), there are two technical replicates, one in argonne center and one in yale canter, but I can not understand what do they mean with this "2" after the name of this individual for the second sample in the same center.
I mean why do they have NA19200 and NA192002 for this individual?
It's library replicates. From the supplement to their paper: "In the course of examining
variability between libraries, multiple libraries were prepared and sequenced for a subset of cell
If your workflow includes R, you might take a look at the Bioconductor SRAdb package. It has functions for searching SRA/ENA (both) locally, finding and generating URLs, and downloading from SRA including some simple functionality for scripting using aspera.
+1 good one for just fastq's