I am new to ms and simulation. I would like to use ms to simulate a phylogeny, and then use Seq-Gen to simulate DNA sequences based on ms output.
- ms: http://home.uchicago.edu/~rhudson1/source/mksamples.html
- Seq-Gen: http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/seqgen/
ms works fine for me on the population demographic parameters I specified. Here I have simple questions on understanding the ms output.
Could you please give any directions? Thanks a lot in advance.
(1) ms output the taxon names as integers, I would like to know the population origin of those individuals taxon (in my case, there is several meta-populations, each population may have different number of haplotypes).
(2) the output phylogeny from ms, seems not what I want. So, I am warring if I have done in the wrong way to specify parameters to ms. So could you please help me evaluate if my command for ms is right? please see the command I used, the output, and the phylogeny I want from the links.
(3) command I used
./msdir/ms 12 4000 -T -I 5 4 1 1 5 1 \
-n 1 0.0116299 -n 2 0.0001075 -n 3 0.0000948 -n 4 0.0075559 -n 5 0.00001 \
-ej 0.0022963 1 2 -en 0.0022963 2 0.000218 \
-ej 0.0022984 2 5 -en 0.0022984 5 0.0003916 \
-ej 0.0023044 3 5 -en 0.0023044 5 0.0099899 \
-ej 0.0232045 4 5 -en 0.0232045 5 0.222093 \
> genealogies_A.txt
Perhaps you could tell us what MS is? Multi-Stack? I searched online and could not find anything clear to me and I think I'm pretty current with phylogenetics. If this is a program I can't find anything on it.
Why do you want to simulate a phylogeny? What is your overall goal of doing this?
ms, is a tool for simulation. Here we could find it. http://home.uchicago.edu/~rhudson1/source/mksamples.html
Thanks a lot, Dear Josh. I expect to get helps from anyone of you.