miRNAkey is a software package designed to be used as a base-station for the analysis of miRNA deep sequencing data. Our package implements common steps taken in the analysis of such data, as well as adds unique features, such as data statistics and multiple mapping levels, generating a novel platform for the analysis of miRNA expression. Through the use of a simple graphical interface, the user can determine the analysis steps. The tabular and graphical output contains detailed reports on the sequence reads and provides an accurate picture of the differentially expressed miRNAs in paired samples
For more information see: http://ibis.tau.ac.il/miRNAkey/
Hi Istvan, Do you know how two make a config file from miRNAkey? I have tried many times., but it do not work well. Thanks, Fuyou
why Mirnakey can't find bwa ??? :(
hi F
is BWA in your PATH ?
thank you Farbod. yes bwa was in path but I think problem was with perl
Is it possible to use this without the GUI?
this tool works with linux
Linux can have a GUI.
I have told before that it has a GUI and thus maybe easier to work with.