Where can I download raw databases that can tell me which SNPs comprise a "named allele" or "named variant" like ApoE4?
Where can I download raw databases that can tell me which SNPs comprise a "named allele" or "named variant" like ApoE4?
I've commented on this longstanding issue before. It is indeed a real problem to determine the SNP identifier for some RFLP band or "SNP 3" in an older paper into something unique and searchable. Some sources to consider include OMIM (under the genetic variants heading), specialized gene family databases (eg, CYP or P450 genes (important in drug development/toxicity) and mitochondrial genomics) as well as a data table I published on SNPs involved in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. What one would look for is the link between common SNP name and unique identifier.
An added problem arises with your APOE example. E4 is not a SNP per se, but a haplotype of two SNPs. In short, my experience has been to take the painstaking approach to look through the literature to recreate electronically the PCR, restriction enzyme digests and other SNP detection methods to unequivocally identify the common name to rs identifier link, but my goal was quite focused. If you're trying to do this for all commonly studied variants in the days before dbSNP was widely accepted, it will be a lot of work.
you can use SNPedia: http://snpedia.com/index.php/ApoE4
I see there are some downloadable resources at http://www.hugenavigator.net
A lot of these look rather apocryphal and don't tell me what sequences actually indicate ApoE4, although I suppose once you have the rs ids and gene location you can determine that.
A grep of 'APOE':
Common Name Rs Number Gene Symbol Source URL Source
-491 rs449647 APOE 10213175,11343837,9811931,18317248,12095653,12167762,9425904,10961667,10563653,15106838,10454160,12782964,16608402,10525981,11099722,16176061,9700208,12105308,15245790,10208564,12232782,10462111,18057979,15455263,12951193,16314757,11378846,9875528,121161alzgene
-427 rs769446 APOE 9811931,10961667,16608402,9700208,18057979,15455263,12951193,16314757,11378846,15364690,11113217,12962909,10980578 alzgene
113 rs440446 APOE 10961667,9467014,8710077,15455263,10505604,12962909 alzgene
Th1/E47cs rs405509 APOE 18317248,12095653,12167762,16399900,10961667,15106838,11418222,17317784,11095526,9467014,9700208,12105308,15245790,15455263,16013913,12951193,10505604,15364690,12480755,11113217,11173875,12962909,11315514,10980578 alzgene
E2/E3/E4 rs429358 APOE 12707932,16567081,18060780 hn
E2/E3/E4 rs7412 APOE 12707932,16567081,18060780 hn
Th1/E47cs rs405509 APOE 17052657,10319883 pdgene
-491 rs449647 APOE 10624815 pdgene
Arg158Cys rs7412 APOE SI001124I alfred
Cys112Arg rs429358 APOE SI001123H alfred
SNP92-APOE rs429358 APOE SI000455O alfred
SNP93-APOE rs405509 APOE SI000456P alfred
491A/T rs449647 APOE 13129656,9832216 szgene
IVS2+78G>A rs769449 APOE NULL snp500
IVS2+520G>A rs769450 APOE NULL snp500
IVS1+69C>G rs440446 APOE NULL snp500
IVS1+185C>A rs877973 APOE NULL snp500
IVS1+15C>T rs9282609 APOE NULL snp500
Ex4+290C>T rs7412 APOE NULL snp500
Ex4+152T>C rs429358 APOE NULL snp500
-1045T>G rs405509 APOE NULL snp500
3937T>C; p.Cys112Arg; (g.7903T>C; c.388T>C; p.Cys130Arg in dbSNP build 130) rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
4075C>T; p.Arg158Cys; (g.8041C>T; c.526C>T; p.Arg176Cys in dbSNP build 130) rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Arg158Cys (g.8041C>T; c.526C>T; p.Arg176Cys in dbSNP build 130) rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Arg158Cys (g.8041C>T; c.526C>T; p.Arg176Cys in dbSNP build 130) rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Arg158Cys (g.8041C>T; c.526C>T; p.Arg176Cys in dbSNP build 130) rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Arg158Cys (g.8041C>T; c.526C>T; p.Arg176Cys in dbSNP build 130) rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Arg158Cys; 2198C>T; ApoE epsilon 2 rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
Cys112Arg (g.7903T>C; c.388T>C; p.Cys130Arg in dbSNP build 130) rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
Cys112Arg (g.7903T>C; c.388T>C; p.Cys130Arg in dbSNP build 130) rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
Cys112Arg (g.7903T>C; c.388T>C; p.Cys130Arg in dbSNP build 130) rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
Cys112Arg (g.7903T>C; c.388T>C; p.Cys130Arg in dbSNP build 130) rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
epsilon3; defined as rs429358 T 130Cys + rs7412 C 176Arg rs7412 APOE NULL pharm
epsilon3; defined as rs429358 T 130Cys + rs7412 C 176Arg rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
-219G-->T rs405509 APOE NULL pharm
Cys112Arg; 2060T>C; ApoE epsilon 4 rs429358 APOE NULL pharm
IVS1+69 rs440446 APOE <http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs440446> snpedia
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@Jeremy Leipzig: do you have any update on this ; I am similarly looking for a tool to map named variants (for example: UGT1A128 , DPYD3 ) to variant coordinates or rsid?.
Biobase PGMD supports the same but need subscription I believe.