I used the command below to get column 2,6 and 8 of my vcf file
cut -f 2,6,8 my.vcf > out.vcf
12 AA DP=23;AC=4;DC=5
13 BB DP=24;AC=6;DC=9
14 CC DP=34;AC=6;DC=65
For for INFO column (column 8), I want to get just DP from a list of things in that column (INFO column contains e,g. AN=2;DP=87;DC=56;Dels=0.00..)
What else should I add to that command? it will be great if I get all output in csv format.
If using bcftools, here is equivalent command:
bcftools query -f '%POS,%QUAL,%INFO/DP\n' my.vcf > out.vcf