Dear all,
I know that we can download the GENCODE gene annotation information in a GTF format. Howerer, when I download the GENCODE gene annotion information in UCSC genome browser, I find that it is in .gp format. And the UCSC hasn't given detailed information about the .gp format. So who can give me detailed information about the .gp format? And how can I convert the .gp to GTF format?
The genePred table formats can be used to specify the gene track annotations for an imported genome.
Several variations of the genePred table format are described in the FAQ titled “genePred table format” on the UCSC Genome Browser web site: Downloading gene information from any of these tables creates a tab-delimited text file where the columns in the file match the columns in the table. Downloaded files may be zipped with a .txt.gz extension. Such a zipped file can be used to specify the gene track annotations for an imported genome.
Also for second question of yours, use genePredtoGtf from the kent resource and read more about it here.
Oh, yes, this is what I want to find! Your detailed answer is very helpful! Thank you very much!