I am working with a software that needs a VCF file with variants and genotypes for a single individual and a single chromosome.
I searched and found this link to download data but the vcf file contains several individual information. Please help me download this data.
To extract the genotype information from a single individual you can use the SelectVariantWalker from the Genome Analysis Toolkit. Download the GATK from here: http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/download, and then run the walker with a command looking something like this:
java -Xmx2g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -V [your vcf file] --sample_name [name of your sample]
I had the same problem. I eventually used Complete Genomics public data set of only 69 genomes.
And I used tabix unix program to extract just part of it.
A 78GB problem turned into <5 MB file problem.
The OP could have used tabix over HTTP to extract a subset of the original file, since the 1000 Genomes data are gzip compressed. This was not the issue. He wanted to extract information for a single sample from a multiple sample file.
you can also use vcf-subset -c sample_name to acheive the same end
This is described in the 1KG faq http://www.1000genomes.org/faq/how-do-i-get-sub-section-vcf-file