In a microarray experiment with 2 conditions and 2 duplicates for each, I receive almost no genes, which survive the correction for multiple testing of t-test results (FDR calculation).
How is it possible to solve this issue?
Correction for multiple testing has to be done, but I also want to have a reasonable number of genes left ... any suggestions?
Thank you alot!!
Agreed. It's a bit of a side-step, but another approach is to use pathway or GO analysis. The more generous statistical power of these methods can often reveal significant changes that aren't apparent at the single gene level, and can also provide good functional targets for follow-up analysis.
The flip side being that if you can confirm any findings with additional experimental evidence - it's not a waste of time. Frequently cost is a factor in experiments of this nature, and even a small sample size can provide useful pointers that can be verified by other means in a larger sample size.
The pathway or GO analysis offers extra power because it is statistically unlikely that a larger fraction of false positive genes end up in one specific pathway. Thus you can accept more false positives (and thus do no or less stringent FDR corrections or use lower fold changes) and still find significant pathways or GO classes.