Hi all,
I am analyzing microarray data. I am using a new normalization approach which outputs into a gene matrix text file.
Normally I take raw CEL files and use "ReadAffy" function, plot a raw boxplot, normalize with RMA, then plot a normalized boxplot following I write it to a gene matrix, something like this:
raw <- ReadAffy(filenames = sampleNames(pd), phenoData = pd, sampleNames = pd$SampleName)
normalized <- gcrma(raw)
matrix <- exprs(normalized)
write.table(matrix, file = "geneMatrix.txt")
PsetNormalized <- fitPLM(raw, background.method=”GCRMA”)
# Plots the RLE graph
# Plots the NUSE graph
Currently, my normalization approach takes CEL files and outputs then directly into a log2 value gene matrix. Is there a function I can use to take a gene matrix with log2 values and create such box plots and later RLE and NUSE plots?
Any suggestions are grateful.
Thank you,