The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) has curated information on chemicals and its effects on human body. I'm very interested in the actual chemical structure of these chemicals, but unfortunately this is not provided by CTD.
Instead, for some of the chemicals they provide the CAS registry number, but the primary ID is the MeSH ID. For 10,10'-dimethyl-9,9'-biacridinium, for instance, they thus provide MESH:C033472 and CAS 2315-97-1, while for other chemicals they only give the MeSH number.
I need to retrieve the chemical structures (SMILES notation is fine) from CTD programmatically, preferably from the MeSH ID. How would you guys approach this?
Great! So, if I want to map CTD ids to chemical structures, I first have to download the PubChem Substance files, fetch the corresponding PubChem Compound IDs and then get the structure. Is this right? With the link you provided (directly from PubChem Compound), none of the download options seems to carry information on the CTD ids. Thanks!!!