I have a file that contains multiple gene lists (triples of genes). For each triple I want to know if there is a KEGG pathway that contains all the three genes (from yeast). Actually I am dealing with genes and protein names, as far as i know. For example, I have:
Line1: ACC1 YKU80 DPB2 Line2: ACC1 YKU80 TPS1 Line3: SIT4 CCT6 CCR4
I want to know which pathways contain all the three IDS from Line1, Line2 and so on...
I know that from http://www.genome.jp/kegg/tool/map_pathway2.html I can get such pathways, but my file is big... I'm trying to use KEGG API with no success. I'm using function "serv.getpathwaysby_genes" but I always get a empty results...
Can someone help me pls?
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