Hi There,
I am trying to further verify indels detected from variant caller. For this, I extracted all the bam files reads, where indels were detected, run local assembly and realign the contigs from assembler back to reference to get the exact coordinates. My assumption is that, there should be gap in the regions where indels are detected. Can somebody provide an insight in this?
Could you also tell me how velvet works for single end reads or unmapped reads in BAM files? I am quite skeptical about these reads.
the perfomance depends a lot in your library size, deep, quality and k-mer selected, so you gonna need many tries.
Thank you..you information is of great help...
After running the velvet and realigning them back to reference using mummer, I get several numbers of coordinates with 100% match with the ref sequence but I cannot make out long sequence out of that. I now have numbers of reads with many gaps in between. Can I say that if contig regions are overlapping with indels region, than those overlapping indels regions are false? or this is not the case. Sorry for asking so many questions but I would be grateful if you could help me.
as I said, the contig size and quality depends in many factor, try to change your kmer-size in velvet to see if you can get longer sequences