Hi~ I know that I can retrieve the ID of possible orthologous genes between two species by BioMart. For example, if I set the "dataset" as specie A, and "filter" as Orthologous Specie B Genes. The gene IDs of all possible orthologous in specie A will return.
But what i want to do is slightly different here. I have a list of ensemble genes IDs of takifugu (pufferfish), about 900. Now I need the orthologous gene ID of another specie which are corresponding to these genes in list. Is there any way to do it without alignment such as blast ?
Thanks for your opinion and suggestion !
This way can do. Thanks, JC. But maybe due to the net speed, my script can't reach a fine results often. I'd better stick to the biomart way to do it. Anyway, thanks for your help :)