I need help regarding snp positions on dbsnp130. I downloaded the data files for dbsnp130 from UCSC download area dbsnp 130 txt and dumped it into a mysql database. When I query this database I can successfully get records for snps but when I try to look at the UCSC genome browser the data doesn't match. I use hg18 for the genome browser so it is not the mismatch between dbsnp130's coordiate system and the browsers but I can't understand what the problem is. Here is an example: in the dbsnp130 mysql table there is an entry for
mysql> select * from snp130 where chrom="chr10" and chromStart>"99499150" and chromEnd<"99499550";
| bin | chrom | chromStart | chromEnd | name | score | strand | refNCBI | refUCSC | observed | molType | class | valid | avHet | avHetSE | func | locType | weight |
| 1344 | chr10 | 99499330 | 99499331 | rs35817116 | 0 | + | A | A | A/C | genomic | single | unknown | 0 | 0 | intron | exact | 1 |
| 1344 | chr10 | 99499357 | 99499357 | rs35737710 | 0 | + | - | - | -/C | genomic | insertion | unknown | 0 | 0 | intron | between | 1 |
| 1344 | chr10 | 99499362 | 99499363 | rs10748707 | 0 | + | A | A | A/G | genomic | single | by-cluster,by-frequency,by-2hit-2allele,by-hapmap,by-1000genomes | 0.482787 | 0.09116 | intron | exact | 1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
But when I go to the genome browser to view this region and enable the dbsnp130 I can not see these snps. Any ideas why? Thanks
Thanks a lot, I hate it when I make such an obvious mistake. New resolution: Stop working after 2 am :)