Hi all,
I am looking for a interactive genome browser for circular (viral) genomes. Something that lets users view genome features in the context of the genome while allowing for backend and user customization. I need something that is interactive not simply a program to draw a static genome representation. I am familiar with a few:
- DNAplotter
- Circos
- GView and
- CGView
Are there others that I should be considering?
Out of curiosity what genome(s)?
Hi Zev. You can find a description of genome here.
LOL I know what a genome is... I was asking what kind of viral genomes you work on. I studied Microviridae.
LOL for sure! The current project is for papillomavirus but my previous work includes many other viruses, especially influenza virus.
Also your link doesn't have a wiki article associated with it...
Corrected! Thanks!