I have been asked to recommend introductory books and resources to R and Bioconductor. My problem is just, I never read a book to learn R or Bioconductor, so I have no experience with this and cannot recommend one. I am interested in mainly introductory books, possibly targeting various groups of readers (computer scientists, molecular biologists, (bio-)statisticians), any recommendation appreciated.
For example, I used the following resources:
- The R-manuals, especially the R intro
- There are also a lot of contributed documents there on the R web site, but I didn't use.
- If a package from Bioconductor interests me, I read the package vignette.
- I read the Bioconductor mailing list, that helps to see what other people use.
- I have the "Venebles, Ripley. S Programming" book, that is hardly introductory.
Which books did you find helpful or completely useless to learn R/Bioconductor? For example: R Programming for Bioinformatics looks promising, anybody read it?
Or do you share my reluctance towards R-books and prefer online resources?
The Art of R Programming is a great book for both beginners and experts. It contains very few bells and whistles, but a lot of meticulous code examples and explanations.
HT Sequence Analysis with R and Bioconductor is a great resource. Thank you Jeremy
HT Sequence Analysis with R and Bioconductor seems to be a great resource and I didn't find HyperGeometericTest over there. Anyway thanks to Jeremy for his detail descritpion
+1 for Adler's R in a Nutshell which I have found to be very helpful for getting to grips with data munging especially.
+1 for Adler's R in a Nutshell which I have found to be very helpful for getting to grips with R, especially data munging.