You don't say what genome this is, so one reason for low "properly paired" proportion could be a fragmented reference. Also, when the pair spans an intron, your aligner might decide they are too far apart to be tagged as "properly" paired.
I'm not familiar with the -r option, but this is often measured as insert (fragment) length, so I think you should use 160 here.
There are also other tools that will provide more elaborate statistics on insert lengths and pairing.
Edit: looking at some numbers from one project here (salmon louse, a crustacean), I find 91% mapped (according to samtools flagstat
), and 89% properly paired. So I think 75% seems low, indicating but it depends on how many reads you map in the first place.
Samtools flagstat output:
15358792 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
0 + 0 duplicates
14047584 + 0 mapped (91.46%:-nan%)
15358792 + 0 paired in sequencing
7679396 + 0 read1
7679396 + 0 read2
13659830 + 0 properly paired (88.94%:-nan%)
13796301 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
251283 + 0 singletons (1.64%:-nan%)
58802 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
49248 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)
Output from bam stats
## Input file: tmp/110901_SN865_A_L006_R1_GLW-45N.bam
#Alignment count prop mean stdev skew kurt
innies 6856689 89.29% 193.2 953.4 316.4 129128.3
outies 10748 0.14% 1315.9 7899.1 26.3 1134.5
lefties 886 0.01% 24816.6 61173.4 3.3 9.9
righties 790 0.01% 32320.9 68283.9 3.1 9.8
Total reads: 15358792
unmapped: 1311203 (8.5%)
orphans: 251283 (1.6%)
split pairs: 29401 (0.4%)
From this, it doesn't look like introns make a big difference, bamstats will count any pair with correct orientation as an "innie", and there's only 50K that are recognized as innies that are not "proper pairs" according to the aligner. But note that "proper pair" is set by the alignment software, and different aligners may have different opinions of propriety.
75% properly paired is not low for RNA-seq in my opinion. As Ketil wrote: "Also, when the pair spans an intron, your aligner might decide they are too far apart to be tagged as "properly" paired" and this is in fact happens quite often.
It happens often for complex eukaryotes, but rarely for bacteria - so this depends a lot on the species under study. I think in most cases, an intron might be acceptable, at least for BWA alignment (details in my answer).