Hi all,
I am looking for protein protein (or gene gene) interaction databases where the interactions (edges) between the interactors are well defined, I mean the edge should be either a pathway or known molecular reaction and not just the type of assay or pmid references for the interaction . Based on this I have narrowed my selection to KEGG, Reactome and I am currently looking through humancyc. Do you know about any other interaction database where I can get this information ? I have already gone through usual String, IntAct, MIP ... databases and I couldn't find this information on most them. I am looking for human or mouse interaction data.
Thank you.
This question gets asked quite a bit. Here is a search of the site:
Beware the false positive, unvalidated interaction. Also, I'm not certain how frequently the STRING dev team updates their dataset either. There are known interactions that just aren't reflected in STRING. These tools have a long way to go, and should be used very cautiously.