While this video certainly depicts the motivations of Steve, his motivations to go into bioinformatics, and his CV, it falls short of explaining what bioinformatics really is or does. His viewpoint is certainly very narrow, I would therefore not call it "Introduction to bioinformatics". It was maybe not the intended title, rather to depict the potential of bioinformatics for the future. As such I'd question if the video tells us, who already know the basics (e.g. what is assembly, what kind of computational methods exist), a lot of news, except from "Biology is becoming more and more computational".
On the other hand, a lot of terms are used without further explanation, some machines are shown without further explanation, or without drawing the connection between the computer racks full of cables and the Illumina sequencer (which you only recognize if you already know what the cabinet is for). If one was going to
use this to explain bioinformatics to a layman, then this intent is going to fail. In consequence, it doesn't have much use, it doesn't provide a lot of new perspectives to bioinformaticians and had almost no digestible value for the layman or students.
Maybe a bit better for this intent but not by far: another vid.
What you notice throughout is that the film makers are not real professionals, they all seem to make the same mistakes:
showing a lot of complicated equipment without explaining it (here a bit less, at least they show a sequencer, while he is talking about sequencer), showing a lot of complicated graphics without explaining what you see. The result might be the impression: "Yeah, bioinformatics is very complicated".
Also both guys seem to promote the "factory science" approach, yeah, we have big data, we got ever bigger machines, we need to buy ever bigger stuff, think big. While that might be the reality, partially, I don't think this is a very innovative approach. So, no, you cannot buy your publications at Illumina or Affymetrix (or can you?).
at 4:24, does he want to explain cloning, or why?