Hi I used the breakdancer in the same order. Where the first sample was a treated condition with possibly multiple deletions and translocations but when I see the output it only shows supporting information from only the normal sample.
Here are the steps that I have tried to use.
My normal file is : AddOrRep_HN002.bam
My Treated condition is : Sorted_nanomax.bam
I had used picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar for both the files. Yet when I run the bam2cfg.pl using the order given in the manual for tumor and normal bam file. I get the following cfg file which does not seems to have information about the treated file but only has info about the normal sample :-
#Command : bam2cfg.pl -g -h treated.bam AddOrRep_HN002.bam > Sorted_nanomax.cfg
readgroup:HN002 platform:Illumina map:AddOrRep_HN002.bam readlen:90.00 lib:HN002 num:10001 lower:415.71 upper:535.14 mean:476.15 std:14.93 SWnormality:-21.23 flag:0(2.00%)1(0.14%)18(94.42%)2(1.0
5%)32(1.19%)4(1.05%)64(0.12%)8(0.04%)21142 exe:samtools view
So when I run breakdancer-max I only get rows with readgroup information coming from the normal sample file. What should I do to get the that from the treated sample also. Here is the final output and command used.
#Command: breakdancer-max -q 10 -d Sorted_nanomax.ctx Sorted_nanomax.cfg
#Chr1 Pos1 Orientation1 Chr2 Pos2 Orientation2 Type Size Score num_Reads num_Reads_lib AddOrRep_HN002.bam
Gm01 1 276+325- Gm01 2297 276+325- ITX -309 99 93 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|93 NA
Gm01 1 135+184- Gm01 5794 124+121- ITX 261 99 36 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|36 0.34
Gm01 9717 123+97- Gm01 12876 123+97- ITX -255 54 7 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|7 NA
Gm01 9717 110+84- Gm01 83483 209+273- ITX -268 99 55 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|55 1.45
Gm01 72653 33+1- Gm01 75695 29+33- DEL 2974 99 28 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|28 0.01
Gm01 76502 29+5- Gm01 78130 1+23- DEL 1526 99 17 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|17 0.09
Gm01 144470 33+34- Gm01 145494 33+34- DEL 177 99 31 AddOrRep_HN002.bam|31 NA
I don't know the answer, but please open a new question with this info. TGI staff monitors biostar to provide support, but won't see your question buried here on an old post. Thanks.
I have opened it a a new question it can be found here : Problems with breakdancer