2012-10-17 01:01:25] Reporting output tracks [FAILED]
Error: bammerge failed to open BAM file tophatSample/tmp/leftkeptreads.mapped.bam
that was the error message Is anyone knows why this error comes up? I think maybe my cufflinks is not right? here is my verison
PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/boost1510 PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/bowtie-0.12.8 PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/tophat-2.0.5.Linuxx8664 PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/samtools-0.1.7x8664-linux PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/cufflinks-2.0.2.Linuxx8664 PATH=$PATH:/home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/tools/velvet1.1.05
and here is my command
nohup tophat -o tophatSample -p 50 --fusion-search --keep-fasta-order --bowtie1 --no-coverage-search -r 350 --mate-std-dev 80 -g 1 --fusion-min-dist 100000 --fusion-anchor-length 13 --fusion-ignore-chromosomes chrM /home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/hg19/hg19 /home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/hg19/S30R1100M1.fastq /home/iscsi/iscsi1/david/hg19/S30R1100M_2.fastq &
really appreciate if anyone knows how to solve the problem
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