I have seen quite a few conferences post video tutorials (eg http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/2011/course-content). Companies like Illumina have some webcasts as well (http://www.illumina.com/events/webinars.ilmn). I think AAAS also does such webinars and keeps them online.
And here is a 'course videos online' biostar (http://www.biostars.org/post/show/10766/what-are-the-best-bioinformatics-course-materials-and-videos-available-online/), but am more interested in webinar/talks etc
But they are hard to find when needed :) .. do people have collection or resources with such videos or webinars? Perhaps some of you have a few bookmarks to share here!
Found one more to add, but still hopeful of a good comprehensive collection somewhere! http://www.youtube.com/user/GenomeTV?feature=watch
found a couple more worth adding http://informaticstraining.hms.harvard.edu/ngs http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1D0F3DA630CFBF70
Relevant post: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2014 (collection of educational lectures). Seven years of genome analysis video lectures.