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14.1 years ago
Anima Mundi
I know that Berger et al. 2008 found a PSSM of RAX in mouse; does anybody know where can I find it?
I know that Berger et al. 2008 found a PSSM of RAX in mouse; does anybody know where can I find it?
You can, for example, find the RAX PSSM from Berger et al. 2008 in the JASPAR database: http://jaspar.genereg.net/cgi-bin/jaspar_db.pl?ID=PH0156.1&rm=present&collection=PBM_HOMEO
Data from the Bulyk Lab protein binding array experiments can be found at the UniPROBE database. The RAX PSSM is found here.
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Thank you all. I tried to find out the matrix using JASPAR database, it is clear that I used it improperly. How do you optimize your search in these databases?