But this is possible for a single id at a time and gives me a lot more information. How can I upload a list and retrieve only the aa sequence store the results in a file ?
I know your question is answered, but I thought I would post this script for others interested in doing iterative sequence retrievals. You can try this BioPerl E-utils script. This example is the same as searching for 'crab' in the protein database, but it will save all sequences it finds.
########## <http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/HOWTO:EUtilities_Cookbook> #########
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
BEGIN {push @INC,"path/to/BioPerl";}
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;
# set optional history queue
my $factory = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'esearch',
-email => 'mymail@foo.bar',
-db => 'protein',
-term => 'crab',
-usehistory => 'y');
my $count = $factory->get_count;
# get history from queue
my $hist = $factory->next_History || die 'No history data returned';
print "History returned\n";
# note db carries over from above
$factory->set_parameters(-eutil => 'efetch',
-rettype => 'fasta',
-history => $hist);
my $retry = 0;
my ($retmax, $retstart) = (500,0);
open (my $out, '>', 'lots_of_crab_sequences.fa') || die "Can't open file:$!";
while ($retstart < $count) {
$factory->set_parameters(-retmax => $retmax,
-retstart => $retstart);
$factory->get_Response(-cb => sub {my ($data) = @_; print $out $data} );
if ($@) {
die "Server error: $@. Try again later" if $retry == 5;
print STDERR "Server error, redo #$retry\n";
$retry++ && redo RETRIEVE_SEQS;
#say "Retrieved $retstart";
$retstart += $retmax;
close $out;
Thanks a lot Pierre, this has worked for me!