Need Script Or Software To Remove Unpaired Reads From Paired End Reads
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12.1 years ago
yangfangisok ▴ 30

I want to use AMOScmp to analyze illumina paired end data. AMOScmp requires the same number of paired file to build .afg file. The original fq files are paired. After I pass fq files separately through quality, duplicated sequences, and human DNA control, I find out that the paired end fa files have different number of reads. I want to remove unpaired reads from paired end reads to get two fa files with the same number of reads. Does anybody have script or know what software to help me to solve the problem?

dna sequence • 14k views
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Since this has generally remained a common problem, I wrote a Perl script that removes the unpaired reads and matches the paired ones. Just generate a Perl file by copying and pasting the code below into a .pl file and run it. I hope, it will help as it helped me :-)

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
sub suffix_remover($);
################        ###########################        ############################        ###########################
Should you decide to make this script publicly available, copy the suffix_remover() subroutine into here.
This script takes as input two fastq files with the forward and reverse unmatched mates for a paired-end read data set.
Input: provide on the command line, the paired-end read files (forward and reverse) containing reads that need to be matched.
Output: the forward and reverse mate files will be matched and written to READNAME_sorted.fastq, where
'READNAME' is simply the name of the file provided. The READNAME_singletons.fastq files contain the singleton reads
(reads with no matching mates) for both the input files.

by: Armin PEYMANN
################        ###########################        ############################        ###########################
sub sequence_separator ($);
sub hash_maker_using_fastq_sequences (\@);
my $path_read1 = shift @ARGV;
my $path_read2 = shift @ARGV;
my $qx_output_read1 = qx(wc -l $path_read1);
my ($number_of_lines_read1) = split(/\s/, $qx_output_read1);
my $qx_output_read2 = qx(wc -l $path_read2);
my ($number_of_lines_read2) = split(/\s/, $qx_output_read2);
if ($number_of_lines_read1 % 4 != 0 || $number_of_lines_read2 % 4 != 0){
die "The number of lines in one of the files is not dividable by 4.\nFor each sequence in your fastq files, you must have"
        . " the following lines:\n"
        . "Also make sure there is no empty line at the end of your file.\n";

 my @read1 = @{sequence_separator($path_read1)};
 my %read1 = %{hash_maker_using_fastq_sequences(@read1)};
 undef @read1;
 my @read2 = @{sequence_separator($path_read2)};
 my %read2 = %{hash_maker_using_fastq_sequences(@read2)};
 undef @read2;
 my $dir_read1 = dirname($path_read1);
 my $read1_name_without_suffix = suffix_remover($path_read1);
 my $path_out_read1 = $dir_read1 . "/" . $read1_name_without_suffix . "_sorted.fastq";
 open(FH_OUT1, ">$path_out_read1");
 my $dir_read2 = dirname($path_read2);
 my $read2_name_without_suffix = suffix_remover($path_read2);
 my $path_out_read2 = $dir_read2 . "/" . $read2_name_without_suffix . "_sorted.fastq";
 open(FH_OUT2, ">$path_out_read2");    
 my $path_out_read1_singletons = $dir_read1 . "/" . $read1_name_without_suffix . "_singletons.fastq";
 open(FH_OUT3, ">$path_out_read1_singletons");    
 foreach my $key (sort keys %read1){    
if (exists $read2{$key}){    
    print FH_OUT1 $read1{$key};
    print FH_OUT2 $read2{$key};
    print FH_OUT3 $read1{$key};
 close FH_OUT1;
 close FH_OUT2;
 close FH_OUT3;
 print "sorted reads were written to:\n";
 print "Check out $path_out_read1" . "\n";
 print "Check out $path_out_read2". "\n" . "\n";
 my $path_out_read2_singletons = $dir_read2 . "/" . $read2_name_without_suffix . "_singletons.fastq";
 open(FH_OUT4, ">$path_out_read2_singletons");
 foreach my $key (sort keys %read2){
     unless (exists $read1{$key}){
         print FH_OUT4 $read2{$key};
 close FH_OUT4;
 print "single reads with no mate were written to:\n";
 print "Check out $path_out_read1_singletons" . "\n";
 print "Check out $path_out_read2_singletons" . "\n";

 sub hash_maker_using_fastq_sequences (\@){
     my $array_ref = shift;
     my @read = @{$array_ref};
     my %read;
    foreach my $sequence (@read){
        my $copy_sequence = $sequence;
        my ($first_header) = split(/\n|\r/, $copy_sequence);
        $first_header =~ /(.+)[# ]/;    # one single space or '#' should cover most of fastq files.
        my $pair_id = $1;
        $read{$pair_id} = $sequence;

    return \%read;

sub sequence_separator ($){
    my $path_read = shift;
my $line_counter = 0;
my $event;
my @events;
open(FH_IN, $path_read) or die "unable to open FH_IN1\n";
while(my $line = <FH_IN>){

    if ($line_counter <= 4){        
        $event .= $line;
    if ($line_counter == 4){
    push(@events, $event);
    undef $event;
    $line_counter = 0    
  close FH_IN;
  return \@events;

sub suffix_remover($){                            #get rid of the .<format> in the file name. (If there are more
    my $pathOfDesiredFile = shift;                    #than one dot in the file name, the shortest part of the file name will be taken!)
    $pathOfDesiredFile =~ /([^\/]+)(?!\/)$/;
    my $desiredFileName = $1 if $1;
    $desiredFileName =~ s/(\..+)(?!\.)// if $desiredFileName =~ /\./ ;                                                         
    return $desiredFileName;    
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You can also use gists and embed it here by just posting the link. That way, it keeps more clean and organized though you can't modify it :)

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12.1 years ago

Check this post removal of unpaired reads, especially comment #8 for the script. If you wanna separate the paired end fastq files, in single end reads, galaxy has a tool called pairedendsplitter and for the source code, check the archive.

Also, from the user page of Trimmomatic, which is another fastQ utility suite,

For single-ended data, one input and one output file are specified, plus the processing steps. For paired-end data, two input files are specified, and 4 output files, 2 for the 'paired' output where both reads survived the processing, and 2 for corresponding 'unpaired' output where a read survived, but the partner read did not.


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12.1 years ago
Dan D 7.4k

EDIT: Sukhdeep beat me to it! I think he's referring you to the same tool.

Peter Cock wrote some tools just for this purpose that I bet would be very helpful.

I think paired-end interlacer followed by de-interlacer is what you want. From there if you want FA files, you can just do the simple conversion. Let me know if I'm not understanding your query correctly.

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12.1 years ago

You can use for the trimming. This tool makes sure that reads belonging to the same pair will be removed in case one of the read can't pass the test or shortened down so that it can't pass the minimum length criteria. The trimming speed is also quiet high.


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