I want to use AMOScmp to analyze illumina paired end data. AMOScmp requires the same number of paired file to build .afg file. The original fq files are paired. After I pass fq files separately through quality, duplicated sequences, and human DNA control, I find out that the paired end fa files have different number of reads. I want to remove unpaired reads from paired end reads to get two fa files with the same number of reads. Does anybody have script or know what software to help me to solve the problem?
Since this has generally remained a common problem, I wrote a Perl script that removes the unpaired reads and matches the paired ones. Just generate a Perl file by copying and pasting the code below into a .pl file and run it. I hope, it will help as it helped me :-)
You can also use gists and embed it here by just posting the link. That way, it keeps more clean and organized though you can't modify it :)