Hi all,
I am trying to create a heatmap for my data. Here is a short part of the matrix
1 2 3 A B C D
1 8.1733 6.4126 6.2126 16.59719550 16.285273 16.1536943 16.226814
2 NA NA NA 11.05089616 11.702181 10.6578633 10.607349
3 NA NA NA 6.60984359 4.234195 3.6587827 6.665620
4 13.2216 13.2145 13.2326 14.08834851 14.214714 14.6321250 12.590646
5 14.3365 14.2590 14.3201 15.69146410 14.873010 13.6182272 15.692651
6 NA NA NA 0.00000000 0.000000 0.0000000 1.310340
7 NA NA NA 0.07038933 0.000000 0.2016339 0.000000
I am using the heatmap.2 command from the gplots package in R. What I would like to have is the color grey for the NA
, the color white for 0
and the rst should follow a certain color palette I am creating.
This is what I am doing at the moment
pairs.breaks <- c(0, seq(1, 18.23145, length.out=30))
color.palette= rev(colorRampPalette(c("yellow","orange","red","black"))(length(pairs.breaks) - 2))
heatmap.2( matrix,
Rowv=FALSE,na.rm=F, na.color="grey", Colv=FALSE,
trace="none",# tracecol="gray50", margin=c(4,5),
dendrogram = "none",
colsep=c(3), sepcolor="white",
lhei=c(1,12), lwid=c(2, 8),
The problem is, the in the last line for eaxmple the values 0.2016339 is also white. I would like white to be explicitly for 0
values. Anything else must have a color in my color-range.
Is it possible?
I would appreciate any help.
use ggplot2 for nice R-graphics (reference guide here). You can make heatmaps and map the values of a column in your dataframe to a continuous colour gradient, you can give NA-values a specific colour and in this post you can get advice on how to deal with outliers in your data range that mess up the scale of the heatmap coloring