Hi all, I've been searching but I didn't get the proper answers. I'm working with mutations that I collected from COSMIC and now I'm trying to categorizae them on those which are affecting function, so I merged the info with Polyphen and Mutation Assessor, the point is that, I want to categorize them in those which are mutations taht produce loss of function and those which produce gain of function ( anamorphic and neomorphic). I'm trying to find some place where I get this info, but it seems nobody has done it, it is correct?
this should be a comment, not another answer.
what does your input look like ?
sorry, I click in the other button :(. My input is chr, mapinfo, category of the mutation of MA assessor ( medium, high or low). I want to know if my catalogued medium or high mutations are giving to the protein loss or gain of function
search biostar for mutation+prediction. There is a bunch of answers here.