The R code that computes size factors in DESeq can be viewed by:
function (counts, locfunc = median)
loggeomeans <- rowMeans(log(counts))
apply(counts, 2, function(cnts) exp(locfunc((log(cnts) -
<environment: namespace:DESeq>
You can see how it works in the following example, using crudely simulated RNA-Seq data:
# Create some simulated count data.
# All samples have the same underlying count, but with varying numbers
# total reads per sample. Poisson distribution used for simplicity,
# but note that real RNA-Seq data has higher variance than poisson.
true_size_factors = c(1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0)
true_mean_counts = c(10, 20, 100, 500, 1000, 5000)
e = expand.grid(true_size_factors, true_mean_counts)
lambdas = e$Var1 * e$Var2
raw_data = matrix(rpois(n=nrow(e), lambda=lambdas), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
rownames(raw_data) = paste("gene", 1:nrow(raw_data), sep="_")
colnames(raw_data) = paste("sample", 1:ncol(raw_data), sep="_")
# sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4
# gene_1 15 9 11 18
# gene_2 19 21 21 40
# gene_3 106 114 153 207
# gene_4 569 565 756 992
# gene_5 1029 1260 1559 1968
# gene_6 5049 5897 7537 10029
sizes = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(raw_data)
# sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4
# 0.7605013 0.8659266 1.0771231 1.4414108
raw_data /, rep(list(sizes), 6))
# sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4
# gene_1 19.38997 10.77383 10.12557 12.53715
# gene_2 24.56063 25.13894 19.33063 27.86033
# gene_3 137.02245 136.46853 140.83745 144.17719
# gene_4 735.52615 676.35717 695.90269 690.93608
# gene_5 1330.15186 1508.33635 1435.06918 1370.72804
# gene_6 6526.66350 7059.25354 6937.85528 6985.28022
Compare this to the more automated method described in the DESeq vignette:
cds = newCountDataSet(raw_data, conditions=c("trt", "trt", "cont", "cont"))
cds = estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cts = counts(cds, normalized=TRUE)
# sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4
# gene_1 19.38997 10.77383 10.12557 12.53715
# gene_2 24.56063 25.13894 19.33063 27.86033
# gene_3 137.02245 136.46853 140.83745 144.17719
# gene_4 735.52615 676.35717 695.90269 690.93608
# gene_5 1330.15186 1508.33635 1435.06918 1370.72804
# gene_6 6526.66350 7059.25354 6937.85528 6985.28022
I would also add that the variance stabilizing transformation provided by DESeq is very useful. The Authors recommend using it for clustering, heatmaps, or other visualization.
# Use the variance stabilized data for clustering, heatmaps, etc.
cds = estimateDispersions(cds, method="blind")
vsd = getVarianceStabilizedData(cds)
# sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4
# gene_1 7.414359 7.435870 7.422947 7.372632
# gene_2 7.544171 7.469999 7.607719 7.489916
# gene_3 8.379632 8.334064 8.315754 8.338468
# gene_4 9.814620 9.784286 9.816016 9.850681
# gene_5 10.494539 10.634479 10.620615 10.677170
# gene_6 12.715437 12.842110 12.778146 12.808379
Hello! Thanks for the comments. Must you eliminate those probes that are always zero in all your samples before doing the normalization or it is not necessary?
Please do not add an answer unless you're answering the top level question. I'm moving this to a comment, but please be more careful in the future.