I was using MuSiC late last year with VirtualBox/Ubuntu 10.4 on a Fedora machine. I asked back then and was told that a yum/rpm port was going to be released. I wonder if this is something that is available or if I should continue to use virtualBox?
My understanding is that it's an enormous pain in the butt to get MuSiC running on anything but Ubuntu at the moment, due to a host of dependencies. The devs are chipping away at this problem, but for now, your best bet is probably to stick with the VM.
Just about any program that runs on Ubuntu should also run on Fedora. They're both Linux-based. Getting it properly installed without the help of the package manager can be a challenge, though. Surely there must be instructions for installing from source?
Thanks for the replies. We also tried previously to get it running on Fedora but encountered all sorts of problems. We ended up using VM and I think this is (judging from the replies) at the moment the best way (in terms of hours) to just get it up and running on our server.
What about explaining how MuSiC is related to bioinformatrics for ones not already involved in this?
Start here: http://gmt.genome.wustl.edu/genome-music/current/ http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2012/07/02/gr.134635.111