I’m searching for a downloadable annotation file for different types of ncRNA: in particular, rRNAs and retrotransposons for mouse. Most ncRNAs are not a problem – for instance, Ensembl provides a FASTA download of ncRNAs. Luckily, the actual sequence data is rather short and the file contains full annotation.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain retrotransposons. I’m particularly interested in identifying LINEs and SINEs. Where could I get that information from? I tried Ensembl Biomart but was unable to find the appropriate filter there. The Ensembl API also contains a promising method – TranscriptAdaptor::fetch_all_by_biotype
but I cannot find a list of biotypes anywhere, and if I read the ncRNA documentation correctly, Ensembl simply doesn’t annotate retrotransposons at all.
Is there any way to obtain that information?
Are LINEs and SINEs annotated in repeats though? Anyway, I’m gonna try this, thanks.
the repeat track in Ensembl reports all repeats reported by RepeatMasker, so it includes LINEs/SINEs