Hi, I have recently downloaded Findpeaks4.0 for peak analysis from bowtie outputs e.g. sam files. I need an example command if somebody could kindly provide it.
the test cmd is not woking:
java -jar FindPeaks.jar -input -aligner 22.test.eland -output C:/ -eff_frac 0.7 -dist_type 1 200 -hist_size 200
the error msg :aligner format 22.test.eland is unknown how to change the cmd?
E.G. I found a chipseq cmd in the forum:
java -jar FindPeaks.jar -name xyz -dist_type 1 200 -minimum 8 -hist_size 100 -trim .2 -subpeaks .5 -iterations 1 -eff_frac 0.7 -output /test -input sample.sam -compare control.sam -aligner sam
will the above cmd be suitable for mouse mm9 aligned reads? adding java -Xmx3G since I have 4GB ram only will help?
Hi, As I am also using Findpeaks 4.0 with sam files, but it is executing forever. So is it possible to know is there any error or why its not finishing?? It would be quite helpful if you throw some light on it.
Thanks a lot.