I could not find a Table that explicitely estimates the number of SNPs by MAF bins in Human Genome (for European descent individuls). Obviously it is difficult becuase frequency is related to a population, the 1000 genomes combined low-pass whole genome and deep exome sequencing. I nthe 1000 G paper, I found a Table "The distribution of rare and common variants.". This is exactly what I'd like to see, the distribution of SNPs numbers between rare and rfequent variants or according to MAF bins. But of course, the Figure is showing something slightly different (although interesting). How are the 38 M SNPs "distributed" across MAF spectrum ?
I have a talk in less tha 5 hours so if somebidy knows such a table, please could you send me a link ?
I will paste the 1000 G legend files (or the vcf files as well, but less familiar with them) and perform my own computation in Europeans, but if I can get this information before this would help a lot and aloow comparisons.
sorry, I saw this post too late!! Basically, what you are looking for is the folded Allele Frequency Spectrum of the 1000genomes data.