Hello, I am rather very new to programming and am trying to design a perl script. I have two very large fasta files(one file conain 4000 sequences and the other 3500). I want to conduct a pairwise alignment on the the files with every possible combination. I am using the software FASTA to conduct the pairwise so i can tailor the outfile. The thing is query the file against each other to do this. I am having great difficult with the loops and submit to FASTA part. Below is how I am trying to do it but the loops are being very difficult. Could any one advise on this or offer alternative idea i could try please
Open file 1
While reading file 1
Extract 1st sequence to align
Open file 2
While reading file 2
Extract seq from file2
submit to FASTA
Close file 2
Close file 1
system call FASTA
Why are the loops difficult to you? Post your code to see if it could be improved.
Do you need reciprocal combinations? I mean, if you already compared A vs B, do you need B vs A too?
Why do you need to do one by one, it's simple to use a multifasta as target and query, then parse the output to obtain the pairs information.
I think you should add this as an answer. I suspect the OP was not aware that one could use the multifasta for both target and query.
I was expecting some additional info, but I wil add that part as answer.