I checked inbreeding coefficient (F) on my samples (around 200) using plink
plink --file mydata --het
and found the distribution of F pretty symmetric:
and the short summary:
> summary(het$F)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-0.35990 -0.07199 0.01568 0.02755 0.13460 0.40790
The F values are quite big (either positive or negative), which made me worry about sample quality. Presumably they are all unrelated. Can anyone tell me whether this distribution of F indicates some problems and what they are? Or, is there a rule of thumb about what F value is considered normal for unrelated, cleaned samples? Thanks!
Hi, I am wondering how to test if two individuals are 1st degree relatives or 2nd degree relatives if the Pihat is between 0.5 and 0.25.. Is there any statistical testing method? Hoping to hear from you
Thanks, but I am afraid I was asking a different question. The inbreeding coefficient is per-individual, not for pairs of individuals as IBD is.
Inbreeding coefficient (F_ped) is the same thing as kinship coefficient between the parents.