Hello, I am trying to filter low quality data off my mpileup files using Varscan but keep getting stuck with the error message: Invalid format for pileup at line 1. I don't think my vcf tools are corrupted, since they have made it through bedtools instersect.
The command lines I have used are the following:
samtools mpileup -uf genome.fa 1.bam 2.bam | bcftools view -bvcg -> *.bcf
I also used -vcg -> *.vcf and even ommitted -u. For VarScan I am typing:
java -jar VarScan.jar mpielup *.vcf --output-vcf
Any tip to as why is my vcf file not recognized by VarScan will be appreciated.
Thanks, I went ahead with your recommendation, but I get the same error: invalid format at line 1. My bam files have a header, are sorted, and the duplicates removed.I also tried adding Read Groups, which are needed to get GATK working. Any other suggestions?
The job actually went through when taking -u off in samtools mpileup . Thanks again!
Nice you have sorted it out!