Simply put, my question is: I have a SNP from a GWAS that if I find records associated with it in UCSC snp135, I get 2 records, one on chr17 and one on chr17ctg5hap1, what should I do?
Since it's in that region (which I assume to be a region with strong LD), there are also a bunch of other significant SNPs near-by. Is this interesting or does it present an opportunity for further analysis?
For example, I was thinking maybe certain haplotypes are more likely to be disease-prone? Worth looking into? How?
That is cool that you found a disease SNP in a haplotype. Is this haplotype under selection? Check outr Do you have some sort of population stratification issue in your GWAS? PCA / ADMIXTURE around your snp / haplotype might be fun to look at. might be fun to use to make a bifrucation plot.
it's not a stratification issue. just that region is a hap block. thanks for these ideas. both of them look promising. I had not seen bifurcation plots like that before.