I did calculate Fst values with 3 microsatellite makers for 29 populations using Arlequin (Population pairwise Fst values: Compute F-statistics on haplotype frequencies only). However I have a population "A" with only one individual. Fst values of "A" compared to other populations shows significant p-values (p<0.05). How is that possible? I did check the input file, no problem there. From what I learned, sample sizes of n=1 can never be significant.
Also I calculated Fst values with GenoDive, wich is leading to slightly different Fst values (mean diference 0.0151, sd=0.0699).
Can you please confirm or comment on, if significant values for population sizes n=1 are valid?
If some one has a suggestion for a alternative program that can calculate different varieties of Fst with p-values i would be very happy! Thank you for your time!
here a part of the input file for arlequin:
Title = "..."
NbSamples = 29
GenotypicData = 1
LocusSeparator = WHITESPACE
GameticPhase = 1 # = unknown gametic phase
MissingData = '?'
CompDistMatrix = 1
SampleName = "BB"
SampleSize = 1
SampleData = {
BB_01 1 175 300 168
175 300 168
SampleName = "E03"
SampleSize = 20
SampleData = {
E03_01 1 177 300 164
177 300 168
E03_02 1 ? ? 164
? ? 164
... continues