I would like to download the genomic co-ordinates of mouse and human pathogenic loci in BED format. Any suggestions ?
Ex: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome locus, INK4b/ARF/INK4alpha locus and X inactivation locus.
Thanx in advance!
I would like to download the genomic co-ordinates of mouse and human pathogenic loci in BED format. Any suggestions ?
Ex: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome locus, INK4b/ARF/INK4alpha locus and X inactivation locus.
Thanx in advance!
As suggested by Sean Davis, I think OMIM is the source for such loci, for other animals it is OMIA.
For automating it In UCSC there is a track of OMIM loci, so you could be able to get BED genomic coordinates using table browser
I am unaware of any available OMIA track.
oops.....Sorry .....OMIA does not collate mouse loci
For Mouse I think Jacksons Mouse genome informatics tracks on mm9
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I flagged your both responses as answers. However many known loci are missing in the referred databases (OMIM & UCSC) especially the given examples in my question.
It is quite possible that no single database contains all the information you need. Note that the loci in OMIM are phenotypic, by-and-large. You mention INK4a/INK4b as an example--these are genomic loci and can be located using "normal" genomic tools like Entrez Gene.