I am trying to use the command "genome music bmr calc-covg"
genome music bmr calc-covg --bam-list=/home/duttlab/Documents/pathbamfile --output-dir=/home/duttlab/Documents/musicoutput/ --reference-sequence=/home/duttlab/Documents/GRCh37/humang1kv37.fasta --roi-file /home/duttlab/Documents/cervical/755/BT755ROIfiltersorted_1based.roi
and I'm getting the following error:
"Skipping invalid ROI: chrX 44703299 44704123 DUSP21" (for all enteries)
my --bam-list= command contains the path to the bam files, both normal and tumor (tab delimited as specified)
"T755 /home/duttlab/Documents/cervical/755/B755_fixed_sorted_realn_DupRm_recal.bam /home/duttlab/Documents/cervical/755/T755_fixed_sorted_realn_DupRm_recal.bam"
the roi file is sorted and looks like
1 68934 70162 OR4F5
1 569269 569485 Unknown
1 6354680 6355176 ACOT7
1 8073164 8074463 ERRFI1
1 10381591 10382051 KIF1B
1 11155633 11156155 EXOSC10
1 12836961 12837859 PRAMEF12
1 12888195 12888841 PRAMEF11
1 12918652 12920660 PRAMEF2
1 13695437 13696255 PRAMEF18
the genome reference file is in .fasta format (build GRCh37)
Can somebody please help? Thanks in advance..
Agreed. You can either include the "chr" prefix or not, but be consistent across all of your files.