I'm using BreakDancer on the whole genomic data generated by Illumina Hiseq. In order to confirm that I'm running the program correctly, I tried to run it with the Yoruban genome (NA18507) which the developers have used in their algorithm. I downloaded the aligned bam file of NA18507 and used the following syntax:
./bam2cfg.pl -g -h /home/taha/Downloads/NA18507.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.YRI.low_coverage.20120522.bam > Examplenew_break.cfg
./breakdancer_max -c 4 -q 12 /home/taha/Softwares/breakdancer-1.1_2011_02_21/perl/Examplenew_break.cfg > Examplenew_break_threash.xls
However after running, I got totally different results than what authors got. I got total 7200 variants while as they got 9202+4901+665 variants.
May I know why should be there such a difference?
1) You can use an orthogonal method (another algorithm)
2) For real validation of structural variants, we generally do capture, then deep sequencing of the breakpoint regions, then use an assembly-based process to confirm the presence of reads that support the breakpoint