If you look at variants in X chromosome in current VCF files from 1000genomes: ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp//release/20110521/ALL.chrX.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz, there are often two alleles for male individuals. For example, for HG00096, we can find:
X 60034 . ACC A 256 PASS AVGPOST=0.9664;LDAF=0.0610;THETA=0.0087;ERATE=0.0027;RSQ=0.7797;AC=117;AN=2184;VT=INDEL;AF=0.05;ASN_AF=0.07;AMR_AF=0.05;AFR_AF=0.09;EUR_AF=0.02 GT:DS:GL 0|0:0.150:0,0,0
X 60052 rs186434315 T A 100 PASS AC=752;AN=2184;VT=SNP;AA=.;AVGPOST=0.9538;RSQ=0.9370;SNPSOURCE=LOWCOV;LDAF=0.3410;ERATE=0.0006;THETA=0.0058;AF=0.34;ASN_AF=0.21;AMR_AF=0.35;AFR_AF=0.33;EUR_AF=0.46 GT:DS:GL 0|1:1.000:-0.18,-0.47,-2.40
X 63621 rs189671919 G A 100 PASS AC=273;AN=2184;RSQ=0.5045;ERATE=0.0093;LDAF=0.1881;VT=SNP;AA=.;THETA=0.0076;SNPSOURCE=LOWCOV;AVGPOST=0.8028;AF=0.12;ASN_AF=0.10;AMR_AF=0.14;AFR_AF=0.09;EUR_AF=0.16 GT:DS:GL 1|1:1.650:-3.22,-0.47,-0.18
X 85928 rs145862927 A T 100 PASS AVGPOST=0.9752;LDAF=0.0251;AN=2184;VT=SNP;AA=.;AC=31;ERATE=0.0010;SNPSOURCE=LOWCOV;THETA=0.0113;RSQ=0.5623;AF=0.01;ASN_AF=0.01;AMR_AF=0.01;AFR_AF=0.0020;EUR_AF=0.03 GT:DS:GL 1|0:1.000:-2.28,-0.01,-1.55
So we have phased variants of type '0|0', '1|0', '0|1' and '1|1'. How is it possible if there is only one chromosome X in male individual? We are given a phased alleles, so where does the second (right site of '|') variant go, if it is present ('1')?
I found some notes about pseudo-autosomal regions, but I do not fully understand that. Does it mean that the second variant is on the male Y chromosome?
Google "Pseudoautosomal region".
I can understand that there is a crossing over between X and Y in the pseudoautosomal regions. What I don't get is why in the VCF files there are two alternative alleles for X chromosome of male individual, while there is only one X chromosome for male.
There are males with two X chromosomes and one Y.
The case (two alleles for X chromosome, for male individual) is valid for all males in VCF files from 1000genomes. I don't think that all of them have this disorder.