New day, new question.
When trying the command ./gkno add-resource human I get the following error message:
"Fetching current release for homo_sapiens:
Downloading files... 113%
Unpacking files...ERROR: Could not extract contents of/var/folders/l7/jryw_bhn6_vc2sgzrzykyn6h0000gn/T/tmp8zFT1h.gz"
I get the same error when trying locally on my mac (OSX 10.8.2) and on our cluster running Scientific Linux 6.
I looked into the targets.json-file in the resources/human-folder and it seems to point to "https://github.com/downloads/gkno/resources-homosapiens/build37.tar.gz". When I tried to sneak into this directory to download it myself it says "File was not found"which might or might not be a clue.
Anyone ideas if I'm doing something wrong or what's going on?
Best, Viktor
Ok! Then at least we have a probable explanation, always something :)
I'll keep an eye on the blog and this post to see what you come up with.
So, the resources have been migrated and are accessible once again.
Ideal situation: you'd be able type:
./gkno update
(to get the new target URL)./gkno add-resource human
(to download the target)and be good to go.
In reality: this process has uncovered a few bugs & limitations with the
./gkno update
command under the hood, so that's not quite possible at this point.You may be able to get away with running (in gkno_launcher top-level directory):
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
./gkno add-resource human
to get the updated target file and then fetch the human data, without having to rebuild all the tools.
If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to grab a fresh clone, build it, then run
./gkno add-resource human
, and you should be all set.Working!
git clone git://github.com/gkno/gkno_launcher.git
has become my #1 command the last days when troubleshooting previous errors so i did a fresh build...Thanks for quick response and fix!