The gene_name
attribute of the SwissProt Record object in BioPython works absolutely fine as follows:
from Bio import SwissProt
for record in SwissProt.parse(open("uniprot_sprot.dat")):
print record.gene_name
Here is a list of other attribute names that hold SwissProt data. I copied it from the docstring of the SwissProt module.
Holds information from a SwissProt record.
entry_name Name of this entry, e.g. RL1_ECOLI.
data_class Either 'STANDARD' or 'PRELIMINARY'.
molecule_type Type of molecule, 'PRT',
sequence_length Number of residues.
accessions List of the accession numbers, e.g. ['P00321']
created A tuple of (date, release).
sequence_update A tuple of (date, release).
annotation_update A tuple of (date, release).
description Free-format description.
gene_name Gene name. See userman.txt for description.
organism The source of the sequence.
organelle The origin of the sequence.
organism_classification The taxonomy classification. List of strings.
taxonomy_id A list of NCBI taxonomy id's.
host_organism A list of names of the hosts of a virus, if any.
host_taxonomy_id A list of NCBI taxonomy id's of the hosts, if any.
references List of Reference objects.
comments List of strings.
cross_references List of tuples (db, id1[, id2][, id3]). See the docs.
keywords List of the keywords.
features List of tuples (key name, from, to, description).
from and to can be either integers for the residue
numbers, '<', '>', or '?'
seqinfo tuple of (length, molecular weight, CRC32 value)
sequence The sequence.
(I tagged this with 'Biopython' as well)