I am a first-year undergraduate pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science; I am also highly interested in a bioengineering minor.
My university offers the following concentrations within their bioeng. minor:
- Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Cell & Tissue Engineering
- Biomedical devices
- Biomedical imaging
- Computational Bioengineering
- Synthetic biology
I could be equally fascinated by any of these fields, and believe they all could draw upon my knowledge of computer science. I would like to earn a terminal degree (D. Sci, MD, PhD) in the bioinformatics specialty I choose.
My desires:
- I don't want my specialty to restrict me only the realm of theoretical research/academia. I'd like to have a skill set that is job-applicable.
- i.e. stem cell research, biofuel bacteria
- My skillset should be extremely desirable in the workforce; that is enabling 6-figure salaries.
Now, I am not basing my career choice on salary, but I require financial security and a small degree of professional flexibility [before investing thousands in education]. After some consideration, biomedical imaging may be an appropriate choice as it is an established field and has seemingly less barriers to progress (?) than say, stem cell research (could very well be wrong).
Thank you; I appreciate your time and look forward to the responses.
I think you should study management, or law.
Indeed, management would be the best choice. Actually, I would step gently with such posts... I always google for these things, before hiring people. ;) Motivation is good, but it should be motivated by other things than money... in my opinion.
And I would say 'synthetic biology' will be a money-maker.... but only for the companies.... so again... management. ;)
I suppose I meant, just "6-figure salaries" without "high"
how can you be equally fascinated by all those fields? If money is why you are in it, go do something else. very few people in these fields will make high 6 figure salaries. Like other people have pointed out, get a "magical" MBA...