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12.2 years ago
I've constructed a network for oxidative stress pathway genes using bisogenet. I need to do network analysis.
I'm from a wet lab background & for the first time I'm using cytoscape, I've a few questions here..
- I've seen many ppl generating random network, Is it necessary to construct random & compare it with our network?
- I've a gene expression data of CVD in which i wanted to target specific pathway(oxidative stress). Can anyone suggest me work flow & plugin?
- My 3rd question is do I have to use complete gene expression data or just the deferentially regulated (up or down) values as the node attributes?
So far my work flow is as follows
- Construct oxidative stress network
- Overlay gene expression data
- Using Mcode identify highly clustered nodes & construct sub network
- Sub-Network analysis
- Identify Highly connected node
- Go enrichment & Functional enrichment using DAVID
Can anyone suggest me am I going in a correct path? Any modification that u feel is necessary?