I've been looking for a simple way to draw/graph a gene showing putative promotor region, UTR, introns and exons, hopefully with an online tool.
My previous searches on Biostar led to the following:
http://prosite.expasy.org/mydomains >> proteins
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/mapview/modelmaker.cgi?taxid=9606&contig=NT_004610.19&gene=ZNF593 >> no longer available
http://genometools.org/annotationsketch.html >> programming required
http://bio.ieo.eu/fancygene/ >> found it tricky to come up with the proper input file
http://wormweb.org/exonintron >> easiest to use, but unable to graph promoter region
I guess I'm looking for something like http://wormweb.org/exonintron that also graphs the promoter region
Anyone know of anything available?
Thanks everyone, I have to admit that I have very limited bioinformatics skills/experience: I'm not even sure what a gff3 file is. I accessed my sequences via the USCS Genome browser Like Josh, this is for a presentation
http://bio.ieo.eu/fancygene/ >> I was pasting fasta sequences which didn't work, and couldn't follow what was required from the tutorial
http://genometools.org/annotationsketch.html >> NO programming required (I saw references to programming languages and freaked out) http://genometools.org/cgi-bin/annotationsketch_demo.cgi >> how do I get a gff3 file for a gene? It wasn't clear for me following a search on this forum.
http://webgbrowse.cgb.indiana.edu/webgbrowse/tutorial.html >> useful, more detail than what I'm looking for, requires gff3 file
http://epigenomegateway.wustl.edu/browser >> great tool, but output graph seems would be similar to USCS output, requiring Inkscape editing
http://gsds.cbi.pku.edu.cn >> promising but my genes (calcineurin subunits) were too big http://domaindraw.imb.uq.edu.au >> for proteins
Mary, I'm interested to know what you have in mind for the student/group project
Thanks again
what's your input ? A genbank record ?
This is the kind of problem that would be a good student project for a student or small team.
Actually, that was half a thought left over from the conversation in the "News" section about BioStar directions. I suggested a place to match people with small tasks (such as: enhance exonintron to allow other display features) to people who need small student project ideas. Real life project needs + students who need some experience building/enhancing tools.