Hi all, I have several samples that have been sequenced on a MiSeq platform using a paired end protocol. Each read set of each sample was individually aligned using BWA (to the relevant reference sequence). Paired read sets were merged using samtools (option sampe) to produce the .sam files. The .sam files were then compressed, sorted and indexed (again using samtools) to produced the .bam; .sorted.bam and .sorted.bam.bai files. Now, I use the mpileup command to create the pileup file (sample command: samtools mpileup -B -f $reference $sorted_bam_file > $out_pileup). Here is the problem: When I visualize a region of the alignment using IGV, the depth of coverage reported by IGV does not agree with that reported by the mpileup command in any given position. Has anyone else faced this problem? Is there a solution? TIA, Anjan
Could you try Tablet to see if it gives you a 3rd answer? ;-) http://bioinf.hutton.ac.uk/tablet/