I'm involved in a few "professional" bioinformatics networks ("organised/coordinated interactions between people involved in bioinformatics" could be one way of defining what I mean by this...), and I'm interested in trying to understand better what contributes to making them more/less successful. Hope would, of course, be to learn from the more successful ones how to make those I participate in more successful.
I'm new to BioStar, and am extremely impressed by it, particularly in terms of amount of activity, size (in terms of membership), motivation-inspiringness [or whatever to call it] (the reputation "score" and badges, for example), and utility. For me, it's a great example of a successful network of this kind.
Thus, my question for the BioStar community:
are there other "networks" of this kind that you're involved in that you find particularly successful?
If so, it'd be great to hear about them from you.
I know the question is very vague - this is intentional, I don't want to be restrictive concerning the kind of entities/organisations/forums that people might consider as being relevant.
Examples I can think of are:
- big EU FP6 grants, EMBRACE, ENFIN, and BioSapiens (which ended quite a few years ago now) - I guess they're being replaced by ELIXIR...?
- Heidelberg Unseminars in Bioinformatics (that I'm involved in myself)
- BioStar (obviously...!)
- EMBnet
Correct me if I'm wrong, but ELIXIR is a network of research infrastructures, isn't it? On the other hand, it simply might be too early. ELIXIR is a quite young initiative.
Thanks, Pawel - yes, I did have ELIXIR in mind, as you say, it's still in the process of being born (no national nodes are selected yet, I think) so it's rather something to keep an eye on with interest, for me at least, in terms of learning from how it deals with its challenging remit.